Services Details

About This Plan

Reporting business income during return filing is critical to avoid any tax non-compliance. At end of year businesses struggle to get their accounts in order. This ITR filing plan is designed to provide you professional help in preparing financial statements and filing business ITR.

Further, our experts will assist you with payment of advance taxes and guide you on critical business finance planning to help maximise tax saving.

Services Covered

  • Account Summary - P&L and Balance Sheet (up to 250 entries per year)
  • Advance Tax Payment (4 nos.)
  • Expert Assisted Tax Filing for business and professionals
  • Tax Savings & Planning Advice
  • Documented follow up
  • Excludes the Tax audit Fees

Who Should Buy

  • Any business entity required to maintain books of accounts
  • Small Businesses and Professionals requiring to maintain books of account
  • Small businesses requiring Tax Audit including Derivative & intraday traders iTReXPERTS Experts help you in files your return .

How It's Done

  • Purchase of plan
  • Upload documents
  • Financial Statements Preparation
  • Review computation sheet
  • Return filed & acknowledgement generated

Documents To Be Submitted

  1. Bank statements for the financial year
  2. Income and Expense statements
  3. Auditor reports
  4. Bank statement if interest received is above Rs. 10,000/-


  • What is the due date to file business returns?

In case tax  audit is applicable the due date is 30th September otherwise it is 31st July.

  • I am running a business. I wish to know what is advance tax and when do i need to pay it?

The assessment of income of an year can be made only after year has passed, advance tax is pre payment of your tax liability in the year it is earned. If the tax liability is more than Rs 10,000 in a financial year then advance tax needs to be paid by assessee. The due dates are

    • 15th June(15%)
    • 15th September(45%)
    • 15th December (75%)
    • 15th March (100%)

Under this plan iTReXPERTS team will help you access your advance tax liability and assist you in its timely payment.

  • Are Audit and Financial statements preparation covered in the plan?

Prior to return filing, a summary consolidating all financial transactions is prepared. Day to day bookkeeping and audit does not form part of the plan

Payment Details

Original Amount 14499

Plan Amount ₹ 5799

Goods & Services Tax @18% ₹ 1043.82

Total ₹ 6842.82

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